Thursday 20 May 2010

Personal Experience

Hi all,

I was thinking that to date my blogs have been very work/research orientated and for those of you who aren't in Radiotherapy, I wouldn't blame you for being bored after the second sentence. So I thought I would write a more personal update and let you know how I am doing in Toronto.

So Toronto is an amazing city! It is interspersed with lots of parks and water features and it is so clean and safe. The first weekend I had here I was up really early and was going on a run around the city and didn't have to think twice about going out on my own with my I-pod blaring. I was shocked to see that the homeless people in the city literally sleep on the streets. It appears that where ever they feel tired then that is where they will lie down and sleep. I approached St. Trinity's church to see if they needed any volunteers (I get lonely on the weekends) and so this Saturday I am helping them with their drop in clinic for the homeless, which should be an experience.

The Canadians are all really friendly and whilst sitting alongside the harbour it is easy to enter into conversation with passers by. Last weekend I met a guy with a golden retriever who got lots of cuddles from me, the dog that is not the guy! As you can tell I am missing George (my golden lab) a lot! I have been amazed by how many Brits are here, especially within Radiotherapy. Their stories are all similar....'I came over for a holiday and here I am 13 or so years on, with a stable career, married and with a family.'

I think the biggest think I have had to grasp has been the pedestrian system on the roads. I was a consistent jay walker for a number of days but now I have adapted and conform along with everyone else!

Now everyone who knows me well will know I do enjoy my food and it has been a pleasurable experience eating in Toronto. With a diverse multicultural population there is cuisine at my fingertips. I feel I am trying to work my way through them all. I have found a place that does the most amazing falafel and so embarrassingly they now know me by name, I blame the accent as I stand out like a sore thumb, but I have had many a falafel and at £3.00 you can't beat it as an evening meal.

I am looking forward to starting to move around next week, although I do wish I had listened to my husband when he told me I had over packed and now the thought of travelling with my cases is slightly concerning me. I am off to visit Mohawk University in Hamilton on Monday. It will interesting to see how the two University programmes differ and how they tackle student recruitment and retention issues.

So I am missing everyone terribly back home, but with my daily Skype calls and my daily fix Facebook it hasn't been as hard as I imagined and I think I am coping well. I just appreciate that I have been given an amazing opportunity and need to make the most of everyday!

Bye for now
Jo x

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